- 12:55 I'm at La Fogata Mexican Restaurant - bkite.com/088yd #
- 14:16 whats up with the rain in Sherman Oaks this afternoon? #
- 19:11 I'm at Sushi Kai - bkite.com/089cv #
- 19:13 At Sushikai in Glendale with @money_man twitpic.com/6koz2 #
- 22:59 @winni3 we scarfed down some fireballs within minutes of that picture #
- 23:00 @Meowmi clearly, great minds think alike! #
- 23:07 RT @LATimescitydesk: For the young who can afford it, "funemployment," not unemployment: bit.ly/eNaaT #
14:05 For all of you twilight fans, MySpace is carrying a stream of tonights red carpet premiere of Eclipse at www.myspace.com/twilight #